If you want a custom Google Map on your website today, you’ll have to register for a Google Map API key. Once a free and relatively simple process, Google is…
When it comes to managing and maintaining an effective website, WordPress continues to be the gold standard for successful companies. It offers a flexible framework on which to design, develop…
Unfortunately, many website owners realize the importance of ongoing web maintenance after something bad happens. Their website slows down, spam starts flooding in, components begin malfunctioning, or worse yet,...
Remember the flashy website introductions that were ever so popular in the 90s? Imagine you are looking to buy a particular product or service so you click on a promising…
The “lazy” attitude many business owners have about website content and why it’s costing them a fortune is missed selling opportunities – and leaving their competitors laughing all the way…
Small business owners probably receive the most outrageous quote ranges from web developers than from any other industry. We have compared quotes for a standard 12-page website, consisting of a…
Do you spend countless hours and dollars generating traffic to your website but no one seems to engage? Here are 7 signs it might be time for a complete website…
WordPress, Joomla and Drupal dominate the content management system (CMS) market share. Designers and front-end users swear by WordPress, while programmers and geeks drool over Drupal.
Even if you’re not a business owner, you’ve probably come across one of these gems in your email inbox by now: the common SEO spam email, usually from India.
If you recently complained your logo was too small, don’t worry. You’re not the only one who suffers from this affliction. In fact, this complaint is so popular it has…