Interpreting "On-page SEO" Report Results
Updated Sep 02, 2021
Note: we try to use the best available SEO factor checker for the time. They all have pros and cons. Because we are limited to on-page factors only, we are not looking for checkers with ongoing keyword ranking, backlink and off-page factors.
Common false alarms:
CSS / JS minification - We minify and compress every single file that's feasible. If your website has a CMS (WordPress), it is impossible to minify every piece of javascript! (at least without whittling your website down to a primitive box). If your website is loading fast, you're good.
Lack of CDN - if you're signed up with CloudFlare, you will have a CDN installed and configured properly. The report will often miss this detail.
Images (resized / scaled / responsive) - non-svg image files will almost always be 2x bigger than what is served in the viewport. They will always be compressed to the max, but using larger images ensures they will be high res on retina displays. If your website is loading fast, you're good.
Page Objects - most websites will have some 3rd party components: Google Analytics, chat support, Calendly, Google Maps etc. - that's ok. If your website is loading fast, you're good.
Lack of Structured Data - Complete false alarm. Not only is the test incorrect, but they use a dated method of analyzing structured data.
Hey, found a better checker? Let us know!